Pond Cleaning

Looking For Pond Cleaning Near Me?

We Specialize In Cleaning Ponds & Water Features

If your pond is beginning to look more like a dingy swamp than the beautiful, tranquil, focal point of your landscape that it should be, then it's probably time for a pond cleaning!  If the water is murky, you can't distinguish the bottom anymore, the plants are out of control,  your fish are unhealthy, and algae has taken over, then it's time to clean it out.

Oklahoma Ponds is based out of Edmond, Oklahoma and serving all of the Oklahoma City area. For over 20 years we have specialized in making healthy and happy ponds, and the first step towards a healthy pond is an annual pond cleaning and check up. Our technicians are specifically trained in pond ecology and the most up to date industry methods. Wether you’re an experienced pond owner or new to owning a pond, we want to be your pond guys!

How Much Does Pond Cleaning Cost?


The price for your annual pond cleaning can vary depending on several factors. If you have never had your pond cleaned by Oklahoma Pond before, here are a some things that can affect your pond cleaning cost:

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Average 8 x 10 Pond

Starting at $600

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Average 10 x 15 Pond

Starting at $950

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How Oklahoma Ponds Cleans Your Pond:

  • Last time the pond was cleaned out- it is important to have your pond professionally cleaned at least once a year. Ponds that go more than a year without a thorough cleaning will require more time and usually more than one technician to properly clean your pond.
  • Overgrown plants- aquatic plants are known for how fast they grow and how quickly they become established in our garden ponds. Aquatic plants such as cattails, unpotted water lilies, thalia and iris will require special time to carefully remove without damage to your pond.
  • Access to the pond- we bring a lot of equipment to your jobsite.
    Challenges with access may require more time to properly clean your pond.
  • Amount of fish- ponds with a large population of fish will often times have more sludge and waste that needs to be removed from the pond.
  • Repairs- depending on the repair that is needed, a special quote will need to be approved before we can make the repairs.
  • Drive time- job sites that are more than 25 miles from our store may require additional costs

Spring and Summer Maintenance:

Winter’s over: call Oklahoma Ponds to keep your water garden looking its best.

Once Oklahoma weather starts heating up, it’s time to schedule your annual pond cleaning. Your koi pond is a living, breathing ecosystem. It might seem like pond maintenance is complicated, but it only takes a few simple steps to keep your pond healthy and beautiful all summer long. Your first step should be proper spring cleaning and maintenance.

We recommend pond owners schedule a pond cleaning service as soon as springtime hits, usually between February and late May. Schedule your appointment early; our springtime schedule fills up quickly!

Fall Maintenance: October Through November

It’s been a great season for your outdoor koi pond, but now it’s time to prepare for colder weather. Fall maintenance is incredibly important to your water garden’s ecosystem and overall health.

Your pond is a magnet for falling leaves, blowing grass and predators during the autumn and winter months. If left alone, the debris becomes a habitat for bacteria known as Aeromonas and Pseudomonas.

These bacteria thrive in cold water, right when your koi’s immune systems at their weakest. Aeromonas are always present in your koi pond, but heavy debris causes a sharp rise in their numbers. Eventually, high levels of Aeromonas will harm your fish, leading to ulcers, mouth and fin rot, and more.

Come spring, decomposing debris can wreak havoc on your garden pond, causing harmful bacteria and algae growth, threatening the well-being of your plants and your fish.

Investing in your pond’s health now will save you time and money come spring.

Our fall pond cleaning and maintenance service includes:

  • Cut back and/or remove aquatic marginal plants, lilies, and floating plants.
  • Clean pump(s) and check filtration system for any problems.
  • Introduce a healthy dose of Cold-Water Bacteria, vital to your pond’s ecosystem in the dormant winter months.
  • Install a protective net over your pond to protect from debris, leaves, and other contaminants.

Winter Maintenance: December Through February

Even though everything is dormant during the winter months, your pond can still benefit from a checkup or two. Winter pond services can be scheduled ahead of time or as needed.

Winter service calls include:

  • Adjusting cold water beneficial bacteria levels.
  • Assess fish health and treat as needed.
  • Maintain water level.
  • Skimmer and pump cleaning as needed.
  • Pond net adjustment as needed to prevent wintertime debris from entering the water.

The Size Of Your Pond & How Much Water It Contains

The amount of water in your pond will dictate the equipment we're going to need to clean the pond properly.  Ponds can vary from just a few hundred gallons of water to several thousand gallons of water.  To clean the pond properly including the substrate and liner we're going to have to pump all of that water out using either a vacuum trailer or a vacuum truck or a mechanical pump.

How Long Has It Been Since Your Pond Was Last Cleaned?

Ponds that have been neglected, not maintained properly, or that haven't been cleaned in years are always going to be more work.  Organic debris like leaves, branches, and decaying plant matter all need to be removed.  If the pond hasn't been cleaned in years there will also be a significant layer of sludge on the bottom of your pond that we'll need to suck out with a vacuum.

Do You Have Fish In Your Pond?

If you have fish in the pond it can complicate the cleaning process only because we'll need to catch the fish and put them in a temporary tank.  We have to be extremely careful with how we clean the pond and must avoid any chemicals that could be harmful to your fish.

What Type Of Filtration System Do You Have?

Different filtration systems require different maintenance procedures and different cleaning frequencies to keep everything healthy.  During any cleaning filters should be thoroughly inspected and the actual filter elements should be replaced.

Is Your Pond Full Of Weeds Or Invasive Plants?

When a pond has been left alone for many years it will be full of invasive plants and weeds.  We'll need to remove them.  Some ponds we clean look more like a jungle than a pond and if that's the case with your pond you can expect it will cost a little more just because of the additional labor.  No matter how overgrown the pond is we'll be able to bring it back to it's original state.

Oklahoma Ponds is a licensed, insured pond cleaning company based out of Edmond, Oklahoma and serving the surrounding areas in Oklahoma City.  If you'd like to schedule a pond cleaning please give us a call (405) 276-5706 or fill out our online form to get the process started.